Ebay remote upgrade kit (Parts only no remote)
Due to the demand of accuracy we are contacted regularly from people wanting to trade the eBay remotes for a credit to get our more accurate Doc brown Futabas.
We currently have a few of these from accepted trades.
(No remote or electronics included view last photo to see parts included)
I'v made an easy to install parts kit that includes the screen accurate parts people are looking for. Quick and easy to install. This why you can keep your original purchase!
Kit includes
*Custom design Stanley S-5000K readout box with Defusers.
*Screen accurate grey project box
*2 accurate battery hold
*6 red labes
*1 accurate black knob
*1 silver ring for the red toggle switch
*1 green PCM lable
*screen accurate molex stop light
*Mounting hardware
This dosen't include any electronics. If your interested in a full upgrade our official kits are available.